Zenoss Performance
Gustavo Lorenzi
2014-01-31 16:43:50 UTC
Gustavo Lorenzi [http://community.zenoss.org/people/gustavoclorenzi] created the discussion

"Zenoss Performance"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75659#75659

Hello folks,

First of all, I would like to say that I really enjoy the Zenoss proposal and on company we could always monitor the environment with the tool.
But now we are having some issues, on performance, and lost information.
We are running Zenoss 4.2.3, on a virtual machine with 4 processors and 12 GB ram over centOS, currently we have 759 monitored devices, including 200 windows servers and 500 network devices.

I have noticed that the graphs are not continuous, as seen in the picture below:
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Also realize that the system is not displaying some devices going offline for a long period in the event screen and just noticed that the machine is offline when users report, you could imagine how bad this is to us.

What kind of information I would provide to obtain some help from you?

Sorry for my not perfect english ;) .

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