Installation Issues
2013-01-15 15:33:45 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71014#71014

Hi all,

Probably not going to be the most original topic, but I have been having a lot of problems installing Zenoss and I wonder if someone could help point me in the right direction?

I'm not as comfortable with Linux as I am with a Windows machine but I can follow instructions pretty well.

I've installed CentOS 6.3 as a virtual machine (64bit):

Problem I seem to have is when I follow the installation guide for Zenoss (i've tried the autodeploy script a few times, but it keeps failing) for RHEL or CentOS 6 machines. The packages fail when installing the 64bit versions of the software, SQL for example complains that it is the wrong package version (expects i686), RRDTool works ok with the 64bit version, as does Rabbit messaging (Java worked ok as well), EPEL repository access and Zenoss core packs fail to install (again, as the wrong version).

I'm about a couple of hours from binning this idea and trying something else, but I would appreciate any help at all.


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2013-01-15 17:56:36 UTC
nilie [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nilie] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71001#71001

If all you can afford is only a couple of hours to get Zenoss installation problems sorted, it would be a daunting task for us to provide you with the much needed help, especially taking into account your self-confessed lack of experience with Linux. Nevertheless I will still come up with some suggestions that might put you on the right track.
* Start with a minimal server installation of CentOS v6.3 64-bit. Make sure you have a working Internet access from the server, disable firewall and selinux. Install and configure NTP and SNMP, don't forget snmp-tools.
* Use the long step-by-step installation procedure. Most of the time the autodeploy script works just fine but when it is not working, it will be much more difficult for you to find out what happens.
* Download every pre-requisite package making sure their name ends with "..el6.x86_64.rpm" or with "...noarch.rpm". Java package will end with "...x64-rpm.bin"
* Always install rpm packages using "yum install", avoid using "rpm -i" command
* Java is a special beast but you will find posted on this forum a procedure for the installation. If you don't, let me know.
* Start by installing epel and rpmforge repositories. Make sure they are working properly. CentOS website has a good howto on configuring repositories in their wiki section.
* Remove MySQL if it is present, download and install version 5.5.27 or 5.5.28. Don't forget to install MySQL-shared-compat package for the version you have chosen. Again there are some good posts on this forum on how to do it.
* Stay with version 2.8.7 of rabbitmq-server, don't go with version 3
* When you have all this successfully installed, the installation of Zenoss Core should not cause any more problems. If it still does, hang around here and you'll always find some good people to help you.
Most important of all, don't get discouraged.

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2013-01-15 17:59:30 UTC
nilie [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nilie] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71002#71002

I forgot to mention it, you might already know it but you must download only those packages that are not available in repositories.

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2013-01-16 08:33:24 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71024#71024

Thanks for replying nilie. I should have clarified, I have all the time in the world (so to speak) to complete the install. But around 2 hours to get ****** off enough to give up and not bother! But hey ho, today is another day so I will try everything you listed in your reply.

I'm not quite sure I follow your last comment though. Download packages that are not available in repositories? Where would I get them from?

Thanks again.

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2013-01-16 17:05:38 UTC
nilie [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nilie] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71040#71040

I'm glad you were able to solve your problem. Regarding my last comment, what I meant is that whenever you want to install a new application on your server, the best way of doing it (at least for CentOS) is the following :
* start by checking the distribution's repositories first. It is the safest place but as we all know, it can not contain all the apps we might ever need or maybe not the latest version.
* if you don't find it in the distribution's official repositories, try some other repositories. For CentOS and RedHat, there is the Epel repository maintained by Fedora. The advantage is that applications in here are checked to make sure they don't break your system by replacing vital libraries or configuration files and also they should not push you to the dependencies hell. There's no 100% guarantee but at least those who maintain the repositories make reasonable efforts not to break things. Another repository, very popular one, is Rpmforge now being renamed to RepoForge. Same thing, apps in there are being checked to make sure they are compatible with your system and not to break anything. Anyway, if you are using yum without  the "-y" parameter, you'll be warned if something doesn't fit quite nicely or if it tries to endanger your system.
* if there's no repository in this world that has your application, youre preference should turn to a rpm file. If you find it, donwload it and make sure you install it with yum instead of rpm. By doing this, yum will check for dependencies and will warn if it it is necessary but most important, yum is made aware a new application is being installed so it can consider it when checking dependencies while installing other applications.
* if nobody bothered to build a rpm for your application, you'll have to resign yourself to compiling from source. This should be your last option because now you're on your own here. The stability and the integrity of your server are all depending on what you're doing. You must know very well what you're doing and plan carefully every step.

In case you feel the need to learn more, you can take a look at http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos#head-70ff04f00f6b441f231663b09d7716f4f771a436 http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos#head-70ff04f00f6b441f231663b09d7716f4f771a436 , paragraph #13 which dedicated to package management.

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2013-01-16 08:48:39 UTC
zenoss-dranix [http://community.zenoss.org/people/zenoss-dranix] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71037#71037

Hi, I have the same setup as you, Centos 6.3 on Virtualbox. I used the information from " http://wiki.zenoss.org/Install_Zenoss#Supported_Operating_Systems http://wiki.zenoss.org/Install_Zenoss#Supported_Operating_Systems". When i ran the auto-deploy script, i hit the wall cos of some pre-installed packages in Centos which clashed with the script. If i'm not mistaken it was the mysql that was needed for postfix. So i just 'rpm -e' those packages and managed to get the auto-deploy script to run.

Hope this helps.

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2013-01-16 09:08:43 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71025#71025

Hi dranix, my CentOS box is a vmware virtual machine and from my limited understanding of Linux looks as though (intitially) the package installs are failing because of an architecture issue. I'm going to try nilie's suggestion very shortly (I gave up entirely with the auto deply script) and use noarch rpms to see how that goes.


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2013-01-16 11:22:35 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71039#71039

Hi all,

Again, thanks for the responses. I've worked out the problem with the install. It turns out I done everything right, except download the correct version of CentOS (i686 not x86).


Thanks again.

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2013-01-18 10:57:51 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71065#71065

Hi all,

I'm nearly finished with the installation (after installing the correct os version!!), however it is now failing at the final hurdle, the install of Zenoss core.

Using yum install, it returns "skipping package, nothing to do". Using the gui to install it is a little more specific, zenoss core requires a number of nagios plugins. Can anybody point me to the location of said plugins as they aren't specified in the install instructions, and do I install them using yum (and similar syntax to the other package installs)?

Finally, something called memcached does not start (iaw the install instructions), if anyone can help me resolve this issue as well, I would be very grateful.

Thanks again.

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2013-01-18 11:30:30 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71082#71082


I have managed to install nagios plugins, however they are version 1.4.16 and the install is still crying about version 1.4.15.

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2013-01-18 15:53:41 UTC
nilie [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nilie] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71074#71074

You can take a look at this :

http://community.zenoss.org/message/70067#70067#70067 http://community.zenoss.org/message/70067#70067

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2013-01-18 16:17:44 UTC
Johnny_Swoonara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Johnny_Swoonara] created the discussion

"Re: Installation Issues"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/71088#71088

I actually found this post earlier today after a g search but thanks for responding nilie.

I would sticky that on the install page of the wiki as it is really beneficial for novice users such as myself!

Thanks again man.

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