Apache Monitor problems - blank graphs
Robert Bell
2011-10-05 17:13:54 UTC
Robert Bell [http://community.zenoss.org/people/wasguru] created the discussion

"Apache Monitor problems - blank graphs"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/61721#61721

My apache graphs are compleyely blank. With the exception of one data point for DNS

I've read every thread in this forum (that I could find) and there were some similar issues but nothing that solves my problem.

* yes, mod status is enabled
* yes ExtendedStatus is on
* yes I can curl /server-status?auto from the zenoss server just fine

this works also just fine: (obviously I've replaced the name with my.server.name)

    ./check_apache.py -H my.server.name
    STATUS OK|slotDNSLookup=0 totalAccesses=740 slotReadingRequest=0 totalKBytes=312 busyServers=1 slotKeepAlive=0 slotGracefullyFinishing=0 bytesPerReq=431.741 cpuLoad=.00157092 bytesPerSec=1.44637 slotLogging=0 slotSendingReply=1 slotStartingUp=0 reqPerSec=.00335008 slotWaiting=5 slotOpen=250 idleServers=5

Now, it appears when I run zencommand it ONLY records DNS time so I went back to my graph and sure enough I have ONE data point for DNS Time

./zencommand run -d my.server.name -v 10
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Starting PBDaemon initialization
INFO zen.zencommand: Connecting to localhost:8789
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Logging in as admin
INFO zen.zencommand: Connected to ZenHub
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Setting up initial services: EventService, CommandConfig
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Chaining getInitialServices with d2
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Loaded service EventService from zenhub
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Loaded service CommandConfig from zenhub
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Queueing event {'severity': 0, 'component': 'zencommand', 'agent': 'zencommand', 'summary': 'started', 'manager': 'my.zenoss.server', 'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/App/Start', 'monitor': 'localhost'}
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Total of 1 queued events
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Calling connected.
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Fetching configuration from zenhub
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Updated configCycleInterval config to 360
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Loading classes ['Products.ZenModel.MinMaxThreshold']
DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('high event queue', ('localhost', ''))
DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenmodeler cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenperfsnmp cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenping cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenprocess cycle time', ('localhost', ''))
DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('CPU over 90 percent', ('my.server.name', ''))
DEBUG zen.zencommand: running "/opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor-2.1.2-py2.6.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/ApacheMonitor/libexec/check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x -p 80 -u '/server-status?auto'"
DEBUG zen.zencommand: cmd line: "/bin/sh -c exec /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor-2.1.2-py2.6.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/ApacheMonitor/libexec/check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x-p 80 -u '/server-status?auto'"
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Process check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x -p 80 -u '/server-status?auto'  started
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Finished config fetch
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Next command in 299 seconds
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Received exit code: 0
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Command: "/bin/sh -c exec /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor-2.1.2-py2.6.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/ApacheMonitor/libexec/check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x -p 80 -u '/server-status?auto'"
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Output: 'STATUS OK|slotDNSLookup=0 totalAccesses=1792 slotReadingRequest=0 totalKBytes=2189 busyServers=1 slotKeepAlive=0 slotGracefullyFinishing=0 bytesPerReq=1250.86 cpuLoad=.00140258 bytesPerSec=10.1417 slotLogging=0 slotSendingReply=1 slotStartingUp=0 reqPerSec=.00810783 slotWaiting=5 slotOpen=250 idleServers=5\n'
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Process check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x-p 80 -u '/server-status?auto'  stopped (0), 0.08 seconds elapsed
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Queueing event {'manager': 'N7WDSADM01.starwave.com', 'eventKey': 'apache', 'device': 'my.server.name', 'eventClass': '/App/Apache', 'summary': "Cmd: /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor-2.1.2-py2.6.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/ApacheMonitor/libexec/check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x -p 80 -u '/server-status?auto' - Code: 0 - Msg: Success", 'component': 'apache', 'monitor': 'localhost', 'agent': 'zencommand', 'severity': 0}
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Total of 1 queued events
DEBUG zen.zencommand: The result of "/opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor-2.1.2-py2.6.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/ApacheMonitor/libexec/check_apache.py -H 10.x.x.x-p 80 -u '/server-status?auto'" was "'STATUS OK|slotDNSLookup=0 totalAccesses=1792 slotReadingRequest=0 totalKBytes=2189 busyServers=1 slotKeepAlive=0 slotGracefullyFinishing=0 bytesPerReq=1250.86 cpuLoad=.00140258 bytesPerSec=10.1417 slotLogging=0 slotSendingReply=1 slotStartingUp=0 reqPerSec=.00810783 slotWaiting=5 slotOpen=250 idleServers=5\n'"
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Storing slotDNSLookup = 0.0 into Devices/my.server.name/apache_slotDNSLookup
DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/my.server.name/apache_slotDNSLookup.rrd: 0.0
DEBUG zen.zencommand: RRD save result: 0.0
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Sent a 'stop' event
DEBUG zen.zencommand: stop() called when not running
INFO zen.zencommand: Daemon zencommand shutting down
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Removing service EventService
DEBUG zen.zencommand: Removing service CommandConfig

it also appears Zenoss is not even creating an rrd for any but one of the apache stats

drwxr-x---  3 zenoss zenoss  4096 Oct  4 15:58 .
drwxr-x--- 34 zenoss zenoss  4096 Oct  4 15:58 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:46 apache_slotDNSLookup.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 laLoadInt15_laLoadInt15.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 laLoadInt1_laLoadInt1.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 laLoadInt5_laLoadInt5.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 memAvailReal_memAvailReal.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 memAvailSwap_memAvailSwap.rrd
drwxr-x---  5 zenoss zenoss  4096 Oct  4 15:58 os
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 ssCpuIdle_ssCpuIdle.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 ssCpuRawWait_ssCpuRawWait.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 ssCpuSystem_ssCpuSystem.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 ssCpuUser_ssCpuUser.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 ssIORawReceived_ssIORawReceived.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 ssIORawSent_ssIORawSent.rrd
-rw-r--r--  1 zenoss zenoss 35432 Oct  4 17:44 sysUpTime_sysUpTime.rrd

I'm fairly new to Zenoss but most of this was really straight forward, I'm hoping I've just overlooked something . . . .

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2011-10-06 03:02:35 UTC
dhopp [http://community.zenoss.org/people/dhopp] created the discussion

"Re: Apache Monitor problems - blank graphs"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/61713#61713

Robert -

I'm assuming you are using Zenoss 3.2.0.  There is a known bug with this version that can be fixed with patching.

As the zenoss user do the following:

zenpatch 26334
zenpatch 26335
zenpatch 26337

and then restart Zenoss.

These fixes are in the beta version of 3.2.1 which should have an official release soon.


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Robert Bell
2011-10-06 16:41:04 UTC
Robert Bell [http://community.zenoss.org/people/wasguru] created the discussion

"Re: Apache Monitor problems - blank graphs"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/61738#61738

Thanks. For future reference, these systems don't have open internet access so I downloaded the diff files. Is that the correct way to run zenpatch offline? It worked but I got a message that it was looking for the files in /opt/zenoos/Product + the path I specified

zenpatch /tmp/changeset_r26334
Getting patch from Internet...
http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/changeset//tmp/changeset_r26334?format=diff&new=/tmp/changeset_r26334 http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/changeset//tmp/changeset_r26334?format=diff&new=/tmp/changeset_r26334
/opt/zenoss/bin/zenpatch: line 144: /opt/zenoss/Products/r/tmp/changeset_r26334.patch: No such file or directory
determining strip size for /opt/zenoss/Products/r/tmp/changeset_r26334.patch
head: cannot open `/opt/zenoss/Products/r/tmp/changeset_r26334.patch' for reading: No such file or directory

but it does apply the patch. Thanks for your help

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2011-10-06 17:20:51 UTC
dhopp [http://community.zenoss.org/people/dhopp] created the discussion

"Re: Apache Monitor problems - blank graphs"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/61739#61739

I've never tried zenpatch on a file but it should work.  If the files are patched and your graphs are working then you should be ok.


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Pavel Mlčoch
2011-10-18 14:31:41 UTC
Pavel Mlčoch [http://community.zenoss.org/people/pavkamlc] created the discussion

"Re: Apache Monitor problems - blank graphs"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/61895#61895

For me this three patch helps with graphs from fping ZenPack, but it breaks my own SNMP graphs. In logs I cant find any error.

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