No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3
2013-05-02 10:54:15 UTC
szheng [http://community.zenoss.org/people/szheng] created the discussion

"No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73048#73048


I have installed the zenoss core 4.2.3 on centos 6.3 with RPM package. The installation went  smoothly with no errors. But i just found that totally no events logged on the UI , rabbitmq and mysql . Also no error or warning in my zenoss log files. Could any body tell me how to  resolve the issue? Any advice will be appreciated.

[***@aaa]# rabbitmqctl list_queues -p /zenoss
Listing queues ...
celery          0
zenoss.queues.zep.modelchange          0
zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.summary          0
zenoss.queues.zep.heartbeats          0
zenoss.queues.zep.zenevents          0
inf017.tyo02.ett.celeryd.pidbox          0
zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.archive          0

[***@aaa]# rabbitmqctl  list_user_permissions -p /zenoss zenoss
Listing permissions for user "zenoss" ...
/zenoss          .*          .*          .*

I am using Percona Mysql server:

Oracle JRE 1.7:
[***@aaa# rpm -qa|grep jre

Lots of MySQL temporary table in my /tmp directory, i don't know what is it :
[***@aaa]# ls -al
total 157732
drwxrwxrwt. 10 root   root       12288 May  2 19:48 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 24 root   root        4096 Apr 26 10:35 ..
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       8658 May  2 19:48 #sql5bbf_7c6_1128.frm
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       1704 May  2 19:48 #sql5bbf_7c6_1128.MYD
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       1024 May  2 19:48 #sql5bbf_7c6_1128.MYI
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       8632 May  2 19:48 #sql5bbf_7c6_1129.frm
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql          0 May  2 19:48 #sql5bbf_7c6_1129.MYD
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       1024 May  2 19:48 #sql5bbf_7c6_1129.MYI
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       8658 May  2 11:18 #sql5bbf_7c7_0.frm
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql          0 May  2 11:18 #sql5bbf_7c7_0.MYD
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       1024 May  2 11:18 #sql5bbf_7c7_0.MYI
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       8632 May  2 11:18 #sql5bbf_7c7_1.frm
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql          0 May  2 11:18 #sql5bbf_7c7_1.MYD
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       1024 May  2 11:18 #sql5bbf_7c7_1.MYI
-rw-rw----   1 mysql  mysql       8658 May  2 17:59 #sql5bbf_7c8_206.frm


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2013-05-02 11:59:49 UTC
jmp242 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jmp242] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73049#73049

I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you mean there is no Events tab in the UI? Are there some events you've generated that don't show up? What are you monitoring that you think would generate an event?

James Pulver
ZCA Member
LEPP Computer Group
Cornell University

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2013-05-07 05:39:32 UTC
szheng [http://community.zenoss.org/people/szheng] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73095#73095

Thanks for the reply. I meant there is no events generated in my zenoss core  4.2.3. For example, If i shutdown a server which is monitored by two zenoss core currently(one is 4.2.3,another is 3.0.3), an "ip x.x.x.x is down" event will be generated in my zenoss core 3.0.3, but will not be generated in 4.2.3.

Thanks in advance,

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Ryan Matte
2013-05-07 17:21:57 UTC
Ryan Matte [http://community.zenoss.org/people/rmatte] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73087#73087

Did you change the hostname of that server after you installed rabbitmq?

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Andrew Kirch
2013-05-07 17:24:01 UTC
Andrew Kirch [http://community.zenoss.org/people/akirch] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73088#73088

Event or trigger/notification?  Does it show up in the events console?  There is a new event system in 4.x which requires triggers/notifications be set up.

Please, shut down a server, or generate a test event with 'zensendevent' , does it show up in the events console?  If not what is in zenactiond.log?

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2013-05-08 10:03:12 UTC
szheng [http://community.zenoss.org/people/szheng] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73100#73100

I didn't change the hostname after i installed the rabbitmq.

No,it show nothing in my events console.
I just generated a event by 'zensendevnet' command , but still can't find any event in my events console. The logs like below:

test command:  /opt/zenoss/bin/zensendevent -v -i -s Info -c /Status/Ping --auth=admin:zenoss  "ip is down"

2013-05-08 18:41:52,914 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: worklist has 1 items
2013-05-08 18:41:52,915 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: get candidate workers for sendEvents...
2013-05-08 18:41:52,915 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: candidate workers are [0, 1]
2013-05-08 18:41:52,915 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: Giving sendEvents to worker 0, (localhost:Products.ZenHub.services.EventService.sendEvents)
2013-05-08 18:41:52,919 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: worker 0, work localhost:Products.ZenHub.services.EventService.sendEvents finished in 0.00407791137695
2013-05-08 18:42:02,830 DEBUG zen.Events: ===============  incoming event  ===============
2013-05-08 18:42:02,831 DEBUG zen.queuepublisher: About to publish this event to the raw event queue:uuid: "8986278c-b7c3-11e2-a7bf-003048d46f86"
created_time: 1368006122831
event_class: "/Status/Ping"
actor {
  element_type_id: DEVICE
  element_identifier: "myhost.int"
summary: "ip is down"
event_key: ""
monitor: "localhost"
details {
  name: "zenoss.device.ip_address"
  value: ""
first_seen_time: 1368006122831
, with this routing key: zenoss.zenevent.status.ping
2013-05-08 18:42:02,834 DEBUG zen.zenoss.protocols.amqp: Connecting to RabbitMQ...
2013-05-08 18:42:02,835 DEBUG zen.protocols: Creating exchange: zenoss.zenevents.raw
2013-05-08 18:42:02,835 DEBUG zen.zenoss.protocols.amqp: Publishing with routing key zenoss.zenevent.status.ping to exchange zenoss.zenevents.raw
2013-05-08 18:42:02,836 INFO zen.ZenHub.twisted: None - - [08/May/2013:09:42:02 +0000] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 162 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"

no log in zenactiond.log or other log files

still nothing in the rabbitmq queues and the zenoss_zep database:

[***@myhost log]# rabbitmqctl list_queues -p /zenoss
Listing queues ...
celery          0
zenoss.queues.zep.modelchange          0
zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.summary          0
zenoss.queues.zep.heartbeats          0
zenoss.queues.zep.zenevents          0
inf017.tyo02.ett.celeryd.pidbox          0
zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.archive          0

Some mysql errors was found in mysql.log like below. The errors happen every morning :

130508  7:02:30 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_2d through its index translation table
130508  7:41:08 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_2f through its index translation table
130508  7:43:49 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_31 through its index translation table
130508  7:48:05 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_33 through its index translation table
130508  7:52:20 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_35 through its index translation table
130508  7:56:30 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_37 through its index translation table
130508  7:57:49 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_39 through its index translation table
130508  7:59:25 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_3b through its index translation table
130508  8:00:55 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_3d through its index translation table
130508  8:02:16 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_3f through its index translation table
130508  8:05:12 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_41 through its index translation table
130508  8:08:19 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_43 through its index translation table
130508  8:13:06 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_45 through its index translation table
130508  8:17:31 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_47 through its index translation table
130508  8:21:51 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_49 through its index translation table
130508  8:26:04 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_4b through its index translation table
130508  8:30:32 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_4d through its index translation table
130508  8:31:13 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_4f through its index translation table
130508  8:38:03 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_51 through its index translation table
130508  8:43:04 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_53 through its index translation table
130508  8:48:12 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_55 through its index translation table
130508  8:53:29 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_57 through its index translation table
130508  8:55:28 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_59 through its index translation table
130508  9:01:02 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_5b through its index translation table
130508  9:06:26 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_5d through its index translation table
130508  9:10:18 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_5f through its index translation table
130508  9:15:39 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_61 through its index translation table
130508  9:19:25 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_63 through its index translation table
130508  9:20:21 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_65 through its index translation table
130508  9:26:48 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_67 through its index translation table
130508  9:57:42 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_69 through its index translation table



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Shane Scott
2013-05-10 20:50:40 UTC
Shane Scott [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hackman238] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73150#73150


Your zenoss-zep database is toast. Make sure your server has enough RAM and disk space that the kernel won't OOM the mysql service and that the mysql service won't run out of space. You'll probably want to drop zenoss-zep then manually su root; $ZENHOME=/opt/zenoss; $ZENHOME/bin/zenoss_init_pre to rebuild it.

--Shane Scott (Hackman238)
http://www.linkedin.com/in/shanewilliamscott/ http://www.linkedin.com/in/shanewilliamscott/

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2013-05-15 02:25:57 UTC
szheng [http://community.zenoss.org/people/szheng] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73193#73193

The mysql error did not happen , after I changed innodb_buffer_pool_size from 1G to 4G and re-created the zenoss-zep table .

Also , Events can be generated , after I re-installed rabbitmq .



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Shane Scott
2013-05-15 13:00:13 UTC
Shane Scott [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hackman238] created the discussion

"Re: No events on 4.2.3 / CentOS 6.3"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/73222#73222


Glad you're back in business.

--Shane Scott (Hackman238)

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