Where are templates for Disk Utilisation and Interfaces?
2012-03-29 13:47:41 UTC
joanypony [http://community.zenoss.org/people/joanypony] created the discussion

"Where are templates for Disk Utilisation and Interfaces?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/65611#65611

Hi All,
I need to turn off monitoring for some interfaces and also to edit the disk utilisation threshold for all of my servers.
Any research has brought back posts from roughly 2009. These all say, "go to the device, click on the OS tab...blah blah" There is no "OS" tab in Zenoss 3.2.1.
Can anyone help? How do I edit templates for Disk Utilisation and Interface monitoring?

Btw -  I know I can ignore the interfaces in the configuration menu, but I want to graph it, just not get alerted for it..


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Robert Booth
2012-04-01 03:23:54 UTC
Robert Booth [http://community.zenoss.org/people/rbooth] created the discussion

"Re: Where are templates for Disk Utilisation and Interfaces?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/65671#65671


To change your disk utilization threshold for all devices.

First open one of the devices up, then select the "*File Systems*" component. This should show you a list of what file systems are being monitored. Just under the file system list you should have a drop down that says "*Display*". Select "*Templates*" from that list.

At this point you should be able to figure out what monitoring template this component is using. The default for my localhost under */Devices/Server/Linux* component is "*/Devices/Server*" "*FileSystem*".

Now, go to the "*Advanced*" section of Zenoss and the just under the top banner you should have "*Monitoring Templates*". At the bottom of the screen you should have a "*Group By*" area, make sure the "*Device Class*" is selected.

Open the sub-menu for "*Server*" and you should be able to find "*FileSystem*". When you click on this you should have the template displayed for file systems. The upper right panel holds the *Thresholds* settings, double click on "*high disk usage*". On the panel that opens you should be able to adjust the value of the threshold under "*Maximum Value*".  example .9 is 90%.

Keep in mind this will change it for all devices utilizing this template. These steps were shown for global change not per device. You do have the ability to reset this template on a device by device level but this WILL get out of control after a few devices. It's best to keep the template management at a global level if possible.

You can use this same method for interfaces.

Hope this helps.


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2012-04-02 14:39:04 UTC
joanypony [http://community.zenoss.org/people/joanypony] created the discussion

"Re: Where are templates for Disk Utilisation and Interfaces?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/65701#65701

Hi Rob,
Thanks so much, that was perfect. I have one other question - how can I turn off monitoring of the loopback interfaces globally? I still want to collect data from it, but I don't want alerts from it. I don't want to have to do it on a server by server basis..

Or do I just use a transform to drop any high utilisation events from the loopback interfaces?


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Robert Booth
2012-04-04 22:01:28 UTC
Robert Booth [http://community.zenoss.org/people/rbooth] created the discussion

"Re: Where are templates for Disk Utilisation and Interfaces?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/65734#65734


I'm not sure off hand but I wanted to let you know I'm looking into it. I have some ideas that I need to test.


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2012-04-04 22:33:15 UTC
joanypony [http://community.zenoss.org/people/joanypony] created the discussion

"Re: Where are templates for Disk Utilisation and Interfaces?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/65718#65718

Hi Rob,
Thanks, but in the end I just decided to ignore the lo interface in the configuration at a root level. I just had to convince my boss she didn't need the information :)

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