Mandatory to rename EventClassKey to 'defaultmapping'?
2013-11-05 03:17:40 UTC
Sandeep_Krishnan [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Sandeep_Krishnan] created the discussion

"Mandatory to rename EventClassKey to 'defaultmapping'?"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75174#75174

Hi Guys,
            Is it mandatory to rename 'EventClassKey' field in an EventClassMapping to name '*defaultmapping*'? I had created an EventClassMapping name 'Hardware', 'EventClassKey' also got created with name 'Hardware', when i added the rule, the trap didnt get mapped to the eventClass. But when i renamed the EventClassKey to 'defaultmapping' i could see the rules that i added getting applied and event got mapped to the respective EventClass.

Is this the right way to do or did i do something wrong?  I am using zenoss 4.1.1 Enterprise version.  Also what is the purpose of 'sequence number' in an 'EventClassMapping'


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