Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4
2013-08-12 17:59:09 UTC
jcurry [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jcurry] created the discussion

"Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74333#74333

I have just upgraded two systems from community script-built Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4 (on a CentOS 6.3 64-bit platform).

I found the documentation a bit scattered and lacking in a couple of places so I have written a wiki item here - http://wiki.zenoss.org/4.2.4_Upgrade http://wiki.zenoss.org/4.2.4_Upgrade .

In particular, the Zenoss Installation Guide says to remove all non-Zenoss ZenPacks.  This might be a very destructive suggestion as any device instances whose class relies on a ZenPack, those instances will also be deleted.

I suggest being sure you are well backed up and then attempting upgrades without removing ZenPacks.

I have started another wiki page where we can document ZenPacks that have not been removed for the ugrade an not caused an issue.  Please add to this page to make the upgrade process smoother for others. http://wiki.zenoss.org/Zenoss_4.2.4_upgrade_ZenPacks http://wiki.zenoss.org/Zenoss_4.2.4_upgrade_ZenPacks


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2013-08-12 18:03:30 UTC
jmp242 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jmp242] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74334#74334

Our upgrade we did without removing any zenpacks. In fact, checking zenpacks.txt, I don't think the zenpack versions in the RPM changed from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4... I would never remove zenpacks "just because" that you plan to use after an upgrade, but do install updates first if possible to avoid potential breakage. I strongly believe in testing in case it all goes to hell.

James Pulver
ZCA Member
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University

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Todd Anderson
2013-08-28 15:24:47 UTC
Todd Anderson [http://community.zenoss.org/people/v%40vcqq] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74520#74520

this was useful in the upgrade from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4.  thank you.

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2013-09-03 08:11:27 UTC
jshardlow [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jshardlow] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74549#74549

Thanks, I'm just planning to upgrade one of my dev servers from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4.

Reading though the install guide and your wiki article it obvious that no-one at Zenoss actually reads their own documentation! Your point on ZenUp is particularly enlightening. It really shouldn't be the case that the install guide suggests you install some software, without telling you what it is or where to get it. This is even worse as when you do find ZenUp it very plainly states it is a beta and so probably not advised for a prod server.

One thing I can add is that the install/upgrade documentation seems to change a lot and doesn't always adhere to what previous versions may have said. A case in point is that when I installed 4.2.0 it was required to set up the EPEL (for erlang, redis and Nagios plugins) repo and the rpmforge (for rabbitmq-server) repo. And now we it appears we have to add/replace with the Zenoss dependancies repo.

So I'm now in a position where some RPMs on my server are much newer than the Zenoss repo. And it gets worse as redis is in the Zenoss repo, but the wiki upgrade article suggests that you install from EPEL. So which one should we use? Fortunately it's currently the same version.

I can only assume that we should now use the Zenoss dependancies repo, though for long time users this could get a bit messy with RPM versions. I'm a sys admin, so I'm aware of this sort of thing. For others who are more application driven, then they have to rely on the documention and that's not always going to offer the best advice.

I must say this upgrade does appear to require a lot of thought and planning. I'm going to mull it over for a while before figuring out how I'm going to approach this.

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2013-09-03 11:25:01 UTC
jshardlow [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jshardlow] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74553#74553

So one upgrade later and it seems to have gone to plan. I thought I'd install ZenUp and see what's what. Some notes:
1) The install guide just says to install zenup. At the moment you have to download/install via http from the wiki. I know it's theoretically in beta, but it really should be added to the Zenoss Dependancy Repo...
2) ...because I think in order for it to work, it requires the quilt RPM which is in the Zenoss repo.
3) Depending on how you interpret the install guide, you may try and use ZenUp. The catch is that at that point in the guide you haven't installed 4.2.4 yet, so if you followed it through to its natural conclusion then you would have just patched 4.2.3!
4) The final step in using ZenUp is to run zenup diff and it tells you it should show 0 modified files since the patch. However I have written some custom data collector plugins and they then showed up at this point (as they are not part of the pristine file list or the actual .zup file list). That probably should make a note that any customisation involving new files in certain places will be picked up.
5) The layout of the wiki page is a bit all over the place (one of the problems of WYSIWYG HTML editors), so it should probably be cleaned up. Actually as it is a wiki, then maybe I should do it myself!

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2013-09-03 11:49:09 UTC
jcurry [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jcurry] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74555#74555

Have you got as far as adding SNMP devices? 

I have just found that the left-hand software menu is missing for devices and would be very interewsted whether you have the same issue.  I have opened a ticket at http://jira.zenoss.com/jira/browse/ZEN-809 http://jira.zenoss.com/jira/browse/ZEN-809 . 


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2013-09-03 12:05:53 UTC
jshardlow [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jshardlow] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74556#74556

I already had some SNMP devices configured. But I can confirm that the Software menu option (usually between Config Properties and Custom Properties) is missing.

One thing to note is that I don't usually use that option, mainly as it's almost always blank. Maybe there's some new logic that won't show the option if there's nothing to show? In 4.2.3 under the Components menu (also on the left) some things like Cards and Processors won't appear if there's nothing to shop. Or at least that's how it looks to me.

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2013-09-03 12:15:27 UTC
jcurry [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jcurry] created the discussion

"Re: Upgrading from Zenoss 4.2.3 to Zenoss 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74557#74557

Checked that out specifically against a device that does have software components - my thoughts were the same as you.  Still no software.

Guess we caught a lulu.


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