New ZenPack Landscape!
Nick Yeates
2011-11-03 05:57:45 UTC
Nick Yeates [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nyeates] created the discussion

"New ZenPack Landscape!"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62396#62396

We would like to announce a wave of changes that are aimed at substantially improving the open source ZenPack atmosphere. We need YOUR help to make it successful by embracing the new ways and using git / github!

h2. If you take away one thing
Completely new process to sharing ZenPack code (http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495) (See second bullet below)

h2. Whats New?

| * Github repo seperation (http://github.com/zenoss)* We have moved to many seperate repos held at github.com/zenoss (http://github.com/zenoss) <-- click to see them
* Used to be one large repository named 'Community-ZenPacks'
* Only accepting new code into Many Repos method
* See new instructions below... | Loading Image... (Loading Image...) |
| * Definitive ZenPack process guide (http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495)* How to create, setup, distribute and publish ZenPacks
* Replaces and integrates the popular PDF (http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-10223) guide by phonegi
* Covers: Prepping a ZenPack, committng your code, pushing to github and best practices

Loading Image...
(watch screencast) (http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-12932) | Loading Image... (Loading Image...) |
| * Google Form to submit ZenPacks (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=cHBDaFowMkl0XzdnRmFLWHAzcHZMRFE6MQ)* No more emails - we aim to automate the process - this will help
* Feel free to email us when there are complications | Loading Image... (Loading Image...) |
| * Anyone can edit the ZenPack List (http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-12922)* Wiki-like editing for all
* Add your ZenPack to the list where everyone goes to get ZenPacks
* See link above to login and edit! | Loading Image... (Loading Image...) |
| * Backlogged ZenPacks (http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-4624)* All up on Github.com/zenoss |

h2. The Future
(potential directions)

* Automation, Automation, Automation* We want to automate as much of the process around ZenPacks as we can
* This means less human error, immediate gratification, less work and a growing community!

* https://github.com/zenoss/ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStack/blob/master/README.markdown README's == http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-11972 jump page == documentation* We want the doc and download page to be developed and held IN the ZenPack itself.
* Start putting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown markdown flavored ASCII documentation into your README, README.markdown, or README.txt's!

* Continuous Integration / QA* We want to build all ZenPacks every night and know which install and which do not
* Quality and compatibility of community ZenPacks will increase

* Product Integration* | zenpack --install http://github.com... |

* Button in UI to download ZenPacks from the cloud (github.com)
* Button in UI to publish newly developed ZenPacks

h2. Why should I learn Git / Github?
* Resume builder* Git is the future of Open Source software code management
* Add it to your resume & use it at future jobs

* Encourages others to Edit* It eases looking at your code and even changing it

* Transparency* You will be able to see what others are developing in-progress
* More easily get help from others when you are stuck
* Github is a social platform; start working with others

* One Place* Code, versions, .egg downloads, documentation

* Instant Gratification* You will be able to reference your code and .egg as soon as you post to your personal github space

* Will excel the Zenoss ZenPack Community

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