Certain Events configurations and Certain Advanced configurations are not being audited
Alok Thakur
2014-03-13 09:19:47 UTC
Alok Thakur [http://community.zenoss.org/people/alok.thakur] created the discussion

"Certain Events configurations and Certain Advanced configurations are not being audited"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75700#75700

Certain Events configurations and Certain Advanced configurations are not being audited.

We have already having audit Zenpack on the zenoss server.
Logs are not getting generated for these activities on zenoss server –

1. 1. Advanced –
2. a. Zenoss server version.
3. b. Zenoss server events.
4. c. Event configuration

1. 2. Events –
2. a. acknowledge events
3. b. add events
4. c. close events
5. d. reclassify events
6. e. un acknowledge events
7. f. reopen events
8. g. export events
9. h. event actions

1. 3. When user deletes the Zenpack from Zenoss Server UI then it get deleted but it’s log are not getting generated in the Audit.log File but when user deletes the same Zenpack from CLI, Logs are getting generated.

I am expecting these actions to be logged in audit.log file.

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