Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss
James M
2012-11-21 17:27:13 UTC
James M [http://community.zenoss.org/people/James] created the discussion

"Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/70045#70045

I'm completely new in Zenoss.
Installed zenoss 4.2 on CentOS 6.3

I'm monitoring Linux servers via SSH and windows servers via WMI.

Didn't understand how to set thresholds for memory and cpu utilization..
(I think it requires some query)

Would appreciate your help!

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2012-11-21 18:12:17 UTC
j053ph4 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/j053ph4] created the discussion

"Re: Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/70062#70062

You'll want to look for the "Monitoring Templates" and most of all refer to the documentatation.  Zenoss has tended to have a fairly steep learning curve and you'll need to become familiar with different things to get this right (event classes, template/datasource/datapoint, rrds, etc...).  Read it carefully because there are some non-obvious things about it but for the most part it's pretty straightforward.

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James M
2012-11-22 08:59:28 UTC
James M [http://community.zenoss.org/people/James] created the discussion

"Re: Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/70073#70073

Thanks for the reply.

I read the documentation and attempting to learn Zenoss and it's features.
But for now I need to set the basic for a start - and set global thresholds for servers.

For WMI monitors:
Monitoring templates -> Device_WMI -> /Server/Windows:
1) CPU utilization:
For CPU i have this data point (by default):
I'm not sure if the values is % (I want to add thresholds for max 95%)

2) Memory utilization:
The graph have 2 point:

Here the values are bytes, but I'm looking for a simple threshold for % used / % free. (for ex: max 90%)

For Linux (SSH):

1) CPU:
Graph have 4 data points:

Again I' didn't understand what I need to configure in order to get simple 90% used threshold

2) Memory

Data points:

Again simple threshold of max 90% used..

It's important to mention that some of the servers has more than one processor and I want the threshold to be global (the % used of all processors in a device).

I'll appreciate any help.


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Ryan Matte
2012-11-22 23:05:31 UTC
Ryan Matte [http://community.zenoss.org/people/rmatte] created the discussion

"Re: Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/70108#70108

This is really something that would be easier to help you with in the Zenoss IRC channel.  irc.freenode.net - #zenoss.  Going back and forth on something like this in a forum is overly time consuming.  Based on the time you made your last post though I'm wondering what timezone you're in.  Most of the people in the IRC channel are around during american business hours.

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Yuri Goikhman
2012-11-24 23:34:35 UTC
Yuri Goikhman [http://community.zenoss.org/people/yurigo79] created the discussion

"Re: Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/70145#70145

1) CPU - it's defined by '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time' counter. So this is exactly you need. Just add MinMaxThreshold  with value 95 in maximum field
2) Memory - You need to add new Data Source of WinPerf type. the Perf Counter should be '\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use'.

1) CPU - you should set MinMaxThreshold on ssCpuIdle with value 5 in 'Minimum Value' field.
2) memory - you can't noe the real memory utiliazation from the default data sources. you should write your own scrupt thta will calculate the needed value nad to add the appropriate data source.

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James M
2012-12-05 17:34:51 UTC
James M [http://community.zenoss.org/people/James] created the discussion

"Re: Need help configuring thresholds in zenoss"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/70337#70337

I've configure the thresholds.

If anyone will read that in the future I want to make sure thir life will be easier :)

So here's what I did:

*For Windows servers:*

*Template:* Device_WMI -> /Server/Windows

By default the counter exist in 4.2
so all I had to do is to add min/max threshold and set it to max 90 (for 90% CPU) for the  "ProcessorTotalProcessorTime_ProcessorTotalProcessorTime"

I needed to add another data source for that:

Name: MemoryCommittedBytesPercentage
Type: winperf
Counter: \Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use

It will automatically will add a data point for "MemoryCommittedBytesPercentage"

And I added another min/max threshold for the mem utilization (max 90)
(for the same counter we just added)

*For Linux servers:*
Device -> /Server/SSH/Linux

By default the counter exist in 4.2
so all I had to do is to add min/max threshold and set it to min 10 (for 90%) for "cpu_ssCpuidle"

I needed to add another data source for that:
I added a data source -> type: command, parse: same as the other linux mem
/usr/bin/free -b | awk '/Mem:|cache:/ {print $$2" "$$3}' | tr "\n" " "| awk '{print "Total:\t"int( $$4*100/$$1 )}'


Then add a data point:
(it'll look like this: totalmem.Total)
Mark Read only
Alias: ID/ Formula: Total

Finally add a Min/Max threshold for Memory utilization:
Data point: totalmem_Total
Max: 90

It'll be smart to set the event class to match the counter (for example linux memory to /Perf/Memory)

Hope that will help :)

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