How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2
QnA Zen
2013-12-23 09:48:50 UTC
QnA Zen [http://community.zenoss.org/people/qq070806] created the discussion

"How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75554#75554

I need to monitor VMs in Hyper-V server, how and what zenpack can help me to detect the VMs status in HyperV and Hyper R2, and tell me once there is VMs hang up or shutdown unexpectedly?
I tried to install ZenPacks.Hyper.virtualMachines-0.1-py2.7.egg or ZenPacks.Hyper.virtualMachines-0.2-py2.7.egg(changed file name from py2.6), both can be installed, but cannot give me the right status of VMs and more details.I can only see VM is enabled or disabled. That is not the online status of VMs.
And in Hyper-VVM component, I tried to enable monitoring on VMs, the monitoring.. menu is dim and cannot select.
Refer to http://wiki.zenoss.org/ZenPack:Hyper-V_Server_R2 http://wiki.zenoss.org/ZenPack:Hyper-V_Server_R2 , which has been deleted, it says:
Install the ZenPack:
$ zenpack --install ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.HyperV-*.egg
I cannot find this .egg file on internet. Please advise.


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2013-12-23 15:47:09 UTC
jmp242 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jmp242] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75555#75555

I recommend actually adding the VMs as devices in the appropriate OS classes in Zenoss for detailed monitoring.

James Pulver
ZCA Member
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University

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2013-12-23 15:58:41 UTC
hydruid [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hydruid] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75557#75557

All of the Hyper-V ZenPacks are for enterprise, not for the free Core

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QnA Zen
2013-12-24 02:48:26 UTC
QnA Zen [http://community.zenoss.org/people/qq070806] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75559#75559

Hi hydruid
Thanks for your reply. Is there any official article on Zenoss talking about this?

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2013-12-24 14:16:10 UTC
hydruid [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hydruid] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75561#75561

You encountered the issues in the OP because that ZenPack is for
Enterprise. If you want confirmation, give Zenoss sales a call :P

I would go with jmp242's device and just monitor the VM's directly, it's
what I do!

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2013-12-24 14:27:31 UTC
jmp242 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jmp242] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75562#75562

And as a plug for the community and ZCA - if you don't want to buy Enterprise, but are willing to fund development of a community Hyper-V zenpack replicating the functionality, there are a few great ZCA consultants who do custom development. I could certaily help you get in touch if you're interested.

James Pulver
ZCA Member
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University

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2013-12-24 14:53:54 UTC
hydruid [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hydruid] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75563#75563

Once again, jmp242 is correct! James you are the man!

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QnA Zen
2013-12-25 08:41:49 UTC
QnA Zen [http://community.zenoss.org/people/qq070806] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75594#75594

Hi hydruid and jmp242
Sincerely thank you for your assistance. I am a new user of Zenoss and we will only use the free version zenoss-core-4.2.4.
Would you please help to read my other questsions and help? 

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QnA Zen
2013-12-26 08:17:53 UTC
QnA Zen [http://community.zenoss.org/people/qq070806] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75603#75603

May I know why Hyper-V ZenPacks does not work in free version?
Can I use WMI query or WinPerf to get notification which VM is down

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2013-12-26 14:45:47 UTC
hydruid [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hydruid] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75608#75608

You didn't read our answer, Zenoss produces ZenPacks for customers that are
for the "pay version" only. Usually those ZenPacks are designed to work
with Enterprise instead of Core, they are very similar but not the same.

I'm not sure if you can use a WMI query to determine if a VM is down/up but
with a little bit of searching I'm sure you can find a way to do it.

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Andrew Kirch
2013-12-28 17:18:00 UTC
Andrew Kirch [http://community.zenoss.org/people/akirch] created the discussion

"Re: How to monitor VMs in HyperV and HyperV R2"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75619#75619



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