Zenoss 4.2.3 alerts reading in bytes would like to have email alerts in percentage
2014-02-10 17:23:33 UTC
Mosii [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Mosii] created the discussion

"Zenoss 4.2.3 alerts reading in bytes would like to have email alerts in percentage"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75662#75662

I am still very new to Zenoss and I am having trouble with output emails for example:

Event: 'threshold of high utilization exceeded: current value 110168460.901864'
At: 2014/02/10 09:16:25.000
Component: bond1
Severity: 3
threshold of high utilization exceeded: current value 110168460.901864

I would like to get these emails to be in % or some better form of reading this. These also happen for my memory alerts.

any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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