More zenwinperf madness
Mike Hale
2013-09-17 04:38:52 UTC
Mike Hale [http://community.zenoss.org/people/mhale1982] created the discussion

"More zenwinperf madness"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74674#74674

I've enabled the zenwinperf watchdog in the config, and it's working as expected.  Zenwinperf crashes very, very often and the watchdog fires and restarts it.  That part's fine.

What sucks is that it's making my windows graphs look like crap. 

It looks like this is causing zenwinperf to crash: 

2013-09-16 20:37:26,859 ERROR zen.CollectorCmdBase: Unable to scan device XXXXXX: NT_STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES
2013-09-16 20:37:26,998 ERROR watchdog: Child died: Killed with signal 6
This happens, right now, every ten minutes.  Last night it happened damn near every thirty seconds.  It's nuts. 

So.  I can definitely remove the device that's causing the problems...but that's not really an option since I've about five hundred windows boxes to go.  I can't just ignore boxes that cause Zenoss to crash.

Do you guys have any ideas on how to fix this?  This is pretty much making this install unusable.  :(
    Zenoss: Zenoss 4.2.4
        OS: Linux (x86_64) 2.6.32 (Linux etvenc-zenoss.post.ad 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Dec 6 19:48:22 GMT 2011 x86_64)
      Zope: Zope 2.13.13
    Python: Python 2.7.2
  Database: MySQL 5.5.28 (5.5.28)
       RRD: RRDtool 1.4.7
   Twisted: Twisted 11.0.0
  RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ 2.8.7
    Erlang: Erlang 5.8.5
   NetSnmp: NetSnmp 5.5.0
PyNetSnmp: PyNetSnmp 0.30.7
       WMI: Wmi 1.3.15
       DMD: Zenoss 4.2.4


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2013-09-17 13:03:03 UTC
jmp242 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jmp242] created the discussion

"Re: More zenwinperf madness"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74677#74677

It sounds like an error on the Windows server - though why it's causing zenwinperf to crash is unknown and probably a bug. Have you installed the zenup patches? (WAG there - might help)

If that doesn't help, submit a bug... http://dev.zenoss.com/trac/wiki/HowToAddTicket http://dev.zenoss.com/trac/wiki/HowToAddTicket

Do you get some entries from the problem server?

James Pulver
ZCA Member
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University

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2013-09-17 15:21:06 UTC
j053ph4 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/j053ph4] created the discussion

"Re: More zenwinperf madness"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/74686#74686

what version of Windows?  if it's 2003, try the following:

#### Raise the memory quota of the WMI Provider service by carrying out the following steps:

    Go to Start--> Run and type wbemtest.exe.
    Click Connect.
    In the namespace text box type "root" (without quotes).
    Click Connect.
    Click Enum Instances

    In the Class Info dialog box enter Superclass Name as "__ProviderHostQuotaConfiguration" (without quotes) and press OK. Note: the Superclass name includes a double underscore at the front.
    In the Query Result window, double-click "__ProviderHostQuotaConfiguration=@"
    In the Object Editor window, double-click whichever Property name you wish to modify the quota for.
    In the Value dialog, type in 536870912 (512 MB)
    Click Save Property.
    Click Save Object.
    Close Wbemtest.
    Restart the computer.

Note: Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 have a memory quota per host of 128 MB.  Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 has a memory quota per host of 512 MB.

Hope this helps,

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