UCDHardDiskMap No Graph Data
2011-11-08 20:58:14 UTC
hero [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hero] created the discussion

"UCDHardDiskMap No Graph Data"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62494#62494

I stood up a test Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 64bit (RHEL5) install with Zenoss 3.2.1. I added the UCDHardDiskMap to the /Server/Solaris Modeler Plugins. Then I added the devices with zendisc run --deviceclass=/Server/Solaris and --device=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. The devices show up fine. Under Graphs the overall disk IO shows up fine.

Under HardDisk it says "No Graph Data" for the individual drives. When I check /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/DeviceName it does not create a HW folder like it does on my other system.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


| Zenoss | Zenoss 3.2.1 |
| OS | Linux (x86_64) 2.6.32 (Linux zenprod.corning-cc.edu 2.6.32-200.20.1.el5uek #1 SMP Fri Oct 7 02:29:42 EDT 2011 x86_64) |
| Zope | Zope 2.12.1 |
| Python | Python 2.6.2 |
| Database | MySQL 5.0.77 (Ver 5.0.77) |
| RRD | RRDtool 1.3.9 |
| Twisted | Twisted 8.1.0 |
| NetSnmp | NetSnmp 5.3.2 |
| PyNetSnmp | PyNetSnmp 0.29.13 |
| WMI | Wmi 1.3.13 |

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2011-11-08 21:03:28 UTC
jmp242 [http://community.zenoss.org/people/jmp242] created the discussion

"Re: UCDHardDiskMap No Graph Data"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62520#62520

Why would you put a RHEL device in the Solaris class? Put it in /Server/Linux!

James Pulver
ZCA Member
LEPP Computer Group
Cornell University

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2011-11-08 21:05:13 UTC
hero [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hero] created the discussion

"Re: UCDHardDiskMap No Graph Data"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62496#62496

I guess I  wasn't too clear. The zenoss server is on RHEL. The monitored devices are Solaris 5.10.

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2011-11-10 17:18:56 UTC
hero [http://community.zenoss.org/people/hero] created the discussion

"Re: UCDHardDiskMap No Graph Data"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62556#62556

How much we forget in so little time. I forgot to make the HardDisk template for the device classes. I'm going to add the steps I took for making the UCDHardDiskMap graphing work in hopes this helps someone else. I originally found similar directions about a year ago but can't find them. Here is what I did to make this work:

Step 1: Create Template

Go to: Advance > Monitoring Templates > Hard Disk
Click the + sign located at the bottom left to add a template
Name it HardDisk and chose a template path. I used "Linux in Devices/Server".

Step 2: Add Data Source

Once in the new template click the + sign located near the top of the page under the words "Data Sources" to add a data source

Fill out the box and click submit
name: diskIONRead
Type: SNMP
Click Submit

Repeat for:

Step 3: Add OID to Data Source

Double click diskIONRead Data Source
Change the OID to

The others are as follows:



Step 4: Change Data point Type

Now expand the data source by clicking the triangle to the left of them
You should now see the data point
Double click the data point diskIONRead.diskIONread
Change the type to Counter and click save

Repeat for:

Step 5: Add Graph Defintions

Click the + sign located near the right under "Graph Definitions" and name it IO
Create another and name it Access

Select IO and click the cog wheel
Select Manage Graph Points
Add diskIONRead
Add diskIONWritten
Click Save

Select Acess and click the cog wheel
Select Manage Graph Points
Add diskIONReads
Add diskIONWrites
Click Save

Wait about 15 minutes and your disk io and access graphs should show up.

I then repeated this process for Solaris.

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