ZenModeler Role
Mouhammed Soueidane
2013-10-25 08:50:14 UTC
Mouhammed Soueidane [http://community.zenoss.org/people/raziology] created the discussion

"ZenModeler Role"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75076#75076

Hi everyone,
I have made a small research on Google about the ZenModeler, but I couldn't really understand what does it really do in the Zenoss realm. And just in case I had error events generated by it, how can I debug it?

Thanks so much in advance =)

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2013-10-25 09:07:41 UTC
Sandeep_Krishnan [http://community.zenoss.org/people/Sandeep_Krishnan] created the discussion

"Re: ZenModeler Role"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75070#75070

Hi Mouhammed,
                        zenmodeller deamon collects data from the device that wont change frequently. Say [No of drives/No of Ip Interface]. zenmodeller deamon runs modeller plugins against the device, which is mentioned in 'modeller plugins' section in zenoss UI in every 12hours interval, so that new changes in device can be detetced. Performance data is collected by zenperfsnmp deamon.

Could you please post the error that is thrown by the zenmodeller deamon?


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Mouhammed Soueidane
2013-10-25 10:33:27 UTC
Mouhammed Soueidane [http://community.zenoss.org/people/raziology] created the discussion

"Re: ZenModeler Role"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75077#75077

Hey Sandeep_Krishnan,
Your explanation is exactly what I needed =)
Please refer to this discussion of mine to see the errors I'm getting:
http://community.zenoss.org/message/74963#74963 http://community.zenoss.org/message/74963#74963

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