Email Allerts issues Zenoss core 4.2.4
Niro B
2014-02-19 05:50:40 UTC
Niro B [http://community.zenoss.org/people/kuku1] created the discussion

"Email Allerts issues Zenoss core 4.2.4"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75702#75702

Hi all,

having issues with setting email alerts.

looks like i cant get email alerts to more than one "notifications"

if set up a few triggers and set them up with email notifications. - this works...

but when i create another set of notification to different triggers im not getting any email notification - the event is created under "events" i.e all conditions are met for the second trigger, but eventualy only one notification rule works...

what am i missing? is there any limitation for this on core version?



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