Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken
Jared Ready
2013-11-25 19:26:11 UTC
Jared Ready [http://community.zenoss.org/people/residentbiscuit] created the discussion

"Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75324#75324

I had a zenpack install that was taking hours, so I was adviced to stop it, restart zenoss, and try again. I stopped the install and got this one error: 2013-11-25 12:39:30,971 CRITICAL txn.140714171467520: A storage error occurred during the second phase of the two-phase commit.  Resources may be in an inconsistent state.

I then went to restart zenoss, and that's when everything blew up. Here's everything it spit out, it looks long but most of it is the same error + traceback getting repeated for each daemon trying to start: http://fpaste.org/56658/13854050/ http://fpaste.org/56658/13854050/

I have a backup, but attempting to run 'zenrestore' or most any other zen* command yields that same error. I do have access to zendmd, and attempted to run http://wiki.zenoss.org/Removing_Broken_ZenPacks http://wiki.zenoss.org/Removing_Broken_ZenPacks . Phase 1 of this just told me all my zenpacks are fine, so I ran phase 2 and it then told it deleted all zenpacks. Running 'zenoss restart' from this point yeilds me the same output as before. I'm kind of stumped. All I need to do is get this system to a point where I can at least run 'zenrestore' to bring it all back to a stable point. It's a physical box, so snapshots are no option.

I need some help from someone who is skilled enough in zendmd to be able to help me fix this issue.

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2013-11-25 20:16:35 UTC
linkslice [http://community.zenoss.org/people/linkslice] created the discussion

"Re: Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75325#75325

if you have a good backup jsut stop zenoss kill the zenoss daemons and run zenrestore.

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Jared Ready
2013-11-25 20:36:38 UTC
Jared Ready [http://community.zenoss.org/people/residentbiscuit] created the discussion

"Re: Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75343#75343

If you read my post, you would see that 'zenrestore' does not work.

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2013-11-25 22:42:45 UTC
linkslice [http://community.zenoss.org/people/linkslice] created the discussion

"Re: Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75345#75345

Sorry, missed that part.  Delete this directory /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.MJW.BarracudaMonitor-1.0.egg/

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John Komara
2013-11-25 20:57:09 UTC
John Komara [http://community.zenoss.org/people/koka424] created the discussion

"Re: Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75333#75333

I have run into issues installing ZenPacks before with similar output. When the installation of the ZenPack failed it left the egg file in the $ZENHOME/ZenPack/ directory. Once I removed it from this directory and restarted Zenoss it restarted without error.

Hope this helps.

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Jared Ready
2013-11-26 18:22:41 UTC
Jared Ready [http://community.zenoss.org/people/residentbiscuit] created the discussion

"Re: Stopped a zenpack install and now system is broken"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75337#75337

Ah that did it. If I had more time, I'd try to replicate and file a bug report on this.

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