httpd-OS Process memory usage keeps on growing
2014-03-07 10:10:42 UTC
ebogaard [http://community.zenoss.org/people/ebogaard] created the discussion

"httpd-OS Process memory usage keeps on growing"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75719#75719

Since some ZenUp updates back, according to Zenoss 4.2.4, the memory usage of the httpd-process in OS Processes keeps on rising.
Just as if the memory usage isn't gauged, but is added up to a total with each cycle. So after a while, it seems that the memory usage is >400G and the longer you let Zenoss run, the higher this number gets. See the attached image as an example. Just before the dip I updated and restarted zenoss.
This happens only when marking httpd as an "OS Process", and only with the memory usage, not with the CPU utilization or Process count.

Does anyone have an idea how this is possible and how I can set this right?

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