Device details / Components is gone
2014-03-17 10:45:23 UTC
harsszegi [http://community.zenoss.org/people/harsszegi] created the discussion

"Device details / Components is gone"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/75746#75746


doing zenpack development, so I'm doing "zenpack --install" quite a lot of time mixed with "zenoss restart".
Obviously the zenpack is under development, so it has bugs.
After several "--install"s and remodel of devices, my component page has gone.
I've tried to "zenpack --remove" the affected zenpack (with zenoss restart) without much of a help.
Any thought what to check, what to do to get the device details back?
[Have checked the logs, didn't find anything suspicious, even increased zope's debug level in its conf]
Please help [not so keen on reinstalling zenoss from scratch again].

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