Developers: Sync your existing ZenPack with Github
Nick Yeates
2011-11-24 17:42:15 UTC
Nick Yeates [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nyeates] created the discussion

"Developers: Sync your existing ZenPack with Github"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62833#62833

As we have http://community.zenoss.org/blogs/zenossblog/2011/11/02/we-aim-to-improve-the-zenpack-landscape-and-we-need-your-help announced, we have moved all of the Community ZenPack code and process to http://github.com/zenoss Github.com/zenoss . This means that *existing ZenPack developers have code that they may have updated, yet is not reflecting on github*. Below explains how you can get your existing ZenPack code sync'ed up with the existing github.com/zenoss master repository.

h1. Instructions
All steps below are detailed here: http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495 ZenPack Development Process and summarized http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495#Quick_Commands In Quick Commands

1. Assure that github account is attained, git is installed and setup
2. Create a separate directory for your ZenPacks* It is http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495#separateDirBestPractice good practice to assure that your developed ZenPacks are separate from +$ZENHOME/ZenPacks+ ; maybe make a +/gitrepos dir+
* You will reinstall the ZenPacks in this new dir later with the +--link+ command option, so that the ZenPack installs in place

3. Follow http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495#A_If_existing_ZenPack_on_githubcomzenoss #1A Fork and Clone
4. Get into the newly cloned directory ( Ex: +cd /gitrepos/ZenPacks.community.myZenPack+ )
5. Bring new content into this repository* method A: manually bring over the files that you know you updated; good if its just a few files; advised if possible
* method B: +rsync -av old new && git diff+* Note: a conflict could occur, and code lost, if another person has worked on your zenpack in your absence. Be smart.+

6. Insert needed files1. .gitignore file into root repo directory (IMPORTANT)* wget https://raw.github.com/zenoss/Community-ZenPacks-SubModules/master/.gitignore https://raw.github.com/zenoss/Community-ZenPacks-SubModules/master/.gitignore

2. /docs/DOC-8495#README.markdown README.markdown* The new replacement for ZenPack documentation; At the least, type a sentance

7. +zenpack --link --install <zenpack_name>+
8. Follow steps http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495#3_Committing_Changes_Locally #3 Commit locally , http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495#6_Pushing_Changes_to_Personal_Github #6 Push to personal github , and http://community.zenoss.org/docs/DOC-8495#7_Publishing_to_Main_Zenoss_Github_Repo #7 Pull request to main github
9. Fill out the google docs https://docs.google.com/a/zenossinc.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=cHBDaFowMkl0XzdnRmFLWHAzcHZMRFE6MQ#gid=0 Submission Form to let us know

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2011-11-25 21:47:21 UTC
bigegor [http://community.zenoss.org/people/bigegor] created the discussion

"Re: Developers: Sync your existing ZenPack with Github"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/62842#62842

I hope, it i'm not too late. I think, http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html reStructuredText (rst) is better alternative to *markdown* markup language for ZenPacks README files, because:
1. http://docs.python.org/ Python Documentation used http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ Sphinx and rst as markup language.
2. rst natively supported by Zope (rst documents can be easily integrated in Zenoss UI).
3. rst can be used within python docstrings.


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Nick Yeates
2011-12-10 16:13:47 UTC
Nick Yeates [http://community.zenoss.org/people/nyeates] created the discussion

"Re: Developers: Sync your existing ZenPack with Github"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.zenoss.org/message/63210#63210

I think we will move to reStructuresText (.rst)
I've been doing a lot of research on documentation formats lately. My primary requirement for documentation is that the source format be extremely easy to write. Markdown is great for this, and I don't think anything is easier to write. reStructuredText may be the second easiest source format. DocBook has got to be one of the hardest.

However, the secondary requirement is that the format be capable and have reasonable output formats. Markdown suffers in both of these areas. reStructuredText is very good, as is DocBook.

In short, I have experimented with doing ZenPack documentation using reStructuredText and I was pleased with the results. It does add a bit of complexity over the README.markdown though. We could provide the complex bits as part of ZenPackTemplate and make it as easy as doing a README.rst for people who don't want to take advantage of the fuller feature set of reStructuredText.

Kells and I actually discussed this very thing on Wednesday and he also feels that reStructuredText would be the best way to go. He even went so far as to submit the third-party code form for getting Sphinx (reStructuredText tool) into Zenoss' distributions.

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